I've Got 7 Solid Rules To Live By (So Far)-- UPDATED, ILLUSTRATED, and NOW ON-SALE!

I've Got 7 Solid Rules To Live By (So Far)-- UPDATED, ILLUSTRATED, and NOW ON-SALE!

This is the updated and illustrated version of the document that many people are calling a new Bible for agnostics. They're saying the old Bible sucks, and this one is way more direct and to the point and it doesn't rely on stories about magicians to convince you to be a good person. Hey- I'm not saying any of this stuff, many people are. I'm not one of them, so don't kill the messenger. I'm just saying it's a good little minicomic and you should buy one. 

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"Bo McGee Interrupts the Newspaper..." In Full Color

"Bo McGee Interrupts the Newspaper..." In Full Color

Been sitting on this illustration for a while now. It was the first drawing I finished for my #IllustrationADay project, through hard-pencils for that first round. I think I got up to 6 consecutive days for that one. By the time I tapped out on the project, though, I'd knocked out about 40 really good illustrations. They then sat in my inbox (the purgatory of good ideas) for a few months, but most of them are fully inked and colored now. They're sitting in my publishing queue, waiting for me to stop day dreaming about Bolivia. They can keep waiting. 

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The Inglorious Muppits

The Inglorious Muppits

ABC is having a hard time figuring out exactly what to do with the Muppets, once one of the hottest properties in Hollywood. God knows I loved them growing up, but now it seems like every other year they're trying to relaunch a movie or a TV series only to see it flop.

So being a bit of a creative genius, I figured I'd turn my attention to solving this problem, and– I gotta tell ya– I think I knocked it out of the park. We just take that old Muppets, maddash Hollywood charm and give it a little modern grit with some help from one the master of modern grit, Quentin Tarantino. 

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Behold Shazarro!

Behold Shazarro!

Shazarro was created when Mister Mxyzptlk extracted him from the demented imagination of Bizarro. This inner "Bizarroland" is populated by manifestations of the monster's fractured and distorted understanding of the world around him. Mxyzptlk found Bizarro's mental rendering of Shazam, stole his secret word, and bestowed it upon young Freddie Dingus–truly, the biggest shithead on earth.

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On Saying "Goodbye" To The Sandcastle Center

On Saying "Goodbye" To The Sandcastle Center

I– like many illustrators– keep a day job. We're mostly a bunch of working-class jabroni's who beat the creative anvil on our nights and weekends. It's not the robust industry it once was. Maybe a guy like me would have had a desk in the offices of a newpaper 20 years ago, but that time has passed. So I push lead and sling ink between shifts, mostly for love of the art but it also pulls in some extra scratch. That's called the American dream, babe.

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