Tom Brady will be your Ric Flair
/ Bo McGeeTom Brady is not just the greatest quarterback in the history of football.
He is the greatest contender in the history of sport.
And he'll take your old lady to bed, if he wants her. I bet that's why your kids look up to him so much. And maybe he would, if this shithole city wasn't full of fat, ugly, illiterate pigs-- just like everyone of you.
And you, little man, ain't gonna prove me wrong.
So step up, or shut up.
I drew this for the #IllustrationADay challenge. I am going to manifest a dream match with vision boards, Ryback style.
After a long and tough Sunday at my day job-- dutifully repairing broken teacups-- I need to let my body and brain rest. I grew up on the WWE and-- while my mother has finally convinced me that some portions of the show may not be entirely what they appear-- I still enjoy the broad strokes storytelling and bombastic theatrics.
Happy Wrestlemania! The CTOB Editorial team will be watching from Kezar Pub in San Francisco and we'll be live-tweeting the event and rooting for the bad guys! Here's a last minute look at where we're putting our money:
The betrayal of the Ultimate Warrior by the coward Jake Roberts is one of my earliest and most enduring memories of horror in art. See it come back to life-- seed to harvest-- for #Inktober.
Today's illustration is a personal allegory about how our young brains sort information. Also, pro-wrestling.