Here's your first sneak peek at the summer blockbuster Millennial Man!!!

OK Melon Heads, peep this:


Say hello to the newest member of the Barryverse- Millenial Man… errrr… Person, that is.

Millennial Man is a classic super hero tale with a 21st century twist.

He’s the self-styled savior of a woefully un-woke world.

He’s a warrior for social justice.

He’s the champion of millennials— the Greaterest Generation!

He is offended by your presumptuous use of pronouns!

Ze is Millenial Man! (But ze’s going to be Millennial Person as soon as ze can afford to pay a tailor to fix his suit. I mean zis suit.)

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I’m going to be throwing some ink down on Millennial Man episode 1 this weekend. I think I’ll also attack that splash page with some grey tone markers. Maybe I’ll even hit them both with some color. It’s gonna be crazy.

I’m going to be live-blogging my progress on both these pieces all weekend, so tune in to @realbarrymelon on Instagram to watch them come to life.