Day 4: "You're Full of Shit, Miss Manners."
/ Bo McGeeI found this gem by Miss Manners a few days back and I quickly got a nugget of an idea, so I tore it out and taped it into my sketchbook. I knew I wanted to do something different from the Dear Abby piece I did for day 1, so I figured I'd try something unique with the eye-line.
I tried to compose the image so that after reading vertically down the text block, the illustrated elements would then guide you from the bottom of the page back to the top, revealing the story of the narrator. Whereas in the Dear Abby piece we traveled from the world of the letter, to the world of the narrator, to the world of the narrator's imagination; in this piece we travel from the world of the letter, to the world of the imagination, then to the world of the narrator. Then as we read the speech bubble (which devolves into loosely structured nonsense) we are brought into the thought process of the imaginary character and the eye is pulled back down through the page for a second pass.
I was hoping it would make for a chaotic but intriguing viewership experience, and I think it works.
It's time for the Jurassic Park franchise to finally take off the training wheels and start doing wheelies.
This is my illustrated proposal for a franchise-reboot of the “American Werewolf in…” film series (“An American Werewolf in Paris” [1997] and “An American Werewolf in London”[1981]). Obviously, reboots are great but we want to avoid some of the pitfalls of the modern reboot model while capitalizing on its proven ability to kick serious ass.
Been sitting on this illustration for a while now. It was the first drawing I finished for my #IllustrationADay project, through hard-pencils for that first round. I think I got up to 6 consecutive days for that one. By the time I tapped out on the project, though, I'd knocked out about 40 really good illustrations. They then sat in my inbox (the purgatory of good ideas) for a few months, but most of them are fully inked and colored now. They're sitting in my publishing queue, waiting for me to stop day dreaming about Bolivia. They can keep waiting.
I finished coloring this piece a few days before we took off for La Paz. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, and now felt like a good time to push it.
Plus, read my script for Shazarro #1, featuring Batman and Black Adam.
This piece and accompanying script were done as a fan, with love and admiration for DC Comics and all of the creators who breathed life into these characters.
"Heeeeeeeyyyy, he went yard on that one! Teddy f*ckin' Ballgame! Waka waka waka!"
#FozzieFozzowitz #JewBear #IngloriousMuppits
"Oh Piggy, I just hate those gosh-darn Nazi's so much!"
#KermitTheApache #IngloriousMuppits
ABC is having a hard time figuring out exactly what to do with the Muppets, once one of the hottest properties in Hollywood. God knows I loved them growing up, but now it seems like every other year they're trying to relaunch a movie or a TV series only to see it flop.
So being a bit of a creative genius, I figured I'd turn my attention to solving this problem, and– I gotta tell ya– I think I knocked it out of the park. We just take that old Muppets, maddash Hollywood charm and give it a little modern grit with some help from one the master of modern grit, Quentin Tarantino.
Zebronkey Dreams represents cutting edge innovation. We've taken the popular trend of coloring apps and repackaged them into this sturdy, hard-media interface platform, which is fully operational off-line and has a cool retro aesthetic!