The Pilgrims

It's my pleasure to announce the launch of "The Pilgrims", a recurring piece of featured content documenting the creation process of my second comic book (of the same name). Through, I am cordially inviting you into the sausage factory to  watch this long gestating concept come to fruition in real time. Over the course of the next few weeks and months, you'll see character sketches, concept pages, reference photos, the completed comic script, and bristol board art in every stage of the process-- from loose pencils to final inks. Plus I will be sharing exclusive content for CTOB, including art work and short fiction that gives you a deeper glimpse into the lives and the world of "The Pilgrims".


On the cold, quiet streets of Amsterdam in the still of winter, two old friends and lovers reunite for a weekend of no-holds-barred hallucinogenic soul searching. They share warm memories and open old wounds, but they've both come here for more than nostalgia. The Netherlands in winter can be a cold and desolate place, and A'dam has long been a port in the storm for weary souls.


Woody has got a busted nose, a gypsy heart, and all the good sense of a rodeo clown. He's been traveling the world for the past few months and he arrives in Amsterdam happy for something that feels like home. 



Ralph was born a normal girl in a normal town in Delaware. She didn't endure it long. As soon as she could, she ventured out into the world looking for magic and she tended to find it. She chased the life of her dreams to California-- Las Angeles first before wandering north. Eventually the spirit carried her on and away all the way to Prague, where she would dream of moving to Budapest and periodically wonder what happened to the dopey surfer boy she used to know in Santa Cruz.


"The Pilgrims" is a great looking book, make no mistake about that. The pieces in this carousel will give you a sense of what you can expect to see. Elements of the visual style-- such as the use of bounding boxes and color-- will morph throughout the story to reflect the experience of the characters, especially when they're telling stories and doing drugs. As such, "The Pilgrims" is going to be a highly deliberate use of the illustrated medium.

Next week I'll be posting the first 10 pages of the script. Until then, you can follow me on Twitter (@BoMc81) and Instagram (@NobHillDogFights) and follow along as the book continues to develop in my studio.