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The Frisco Yeti, issue #1; The NorCal Cannasseur Is On Sale Now! Read The First 3 Pages Here For Free!

Here it is, folks!

Issue #1 of the Frisco Yeti-- Northern California's preeminent illustrated cannabis periodical-- aptly entitled The NorCal Cannasseur

Within the 24 pages of this sleek 4.5" x 5.5" minicomic (we call that a "Quad" around the biz), you will truly find everything you need for your journey to becoming a well-qualified Cannasseur of Northern California's favorite crop:

  • The illustrated feature "Underground with the Ganja Miners of Bumbleskeet County, California". An exclusive report from the Frisco Yeti! It's a rare look into the rapidly evolving world of ganja mining in Northern California. This is hard hitting, illustrated investigative journalism, folks; and it features dwarves, sasquatches, conspiracies, drugs, murder, incest and just a dash of heresy. Really, it's just sort of a reference to some off-screen heresy-- no full frontal heresy. And all the incest is really just implied, pretty heavily. Still, now that I say it all... it feels like kind of a lot for 7 pages.
  • Customized Strain Scorecards for each of the 7 strains that you will need to know intimately before you can truly call yourself a NorCal Cannasseur. Each card also has the genetic heritage for the strain, which will help you to grow your appreciation and knowledge of the local cannabis genetics pool. 
  • The Rec is my complete set of recommendations for where to go for all your ganja needs in SF; including best strains, best dispensaries, best delivery, best place to unload a couple of monkeys, and the best edibles on your local dispensary shelves. 
  • Combine that with The Yeti Map and you've got everything you need to know to get stoned in San Francisco.
  • Plus, on the back cover you'll find the full-color illustration The Slow Burner. It's an easy, step-by-step guide to rolling up an artisanal joint for special occasions. Specifically, my lunch break from work. 

And if that's not enough to wet your whistle, then let me offer you this sneak peek at the first 3 pages of "Underground with the Ganja Miners of Bumbleskeet County, California" by the Frisco Yeti...

To be continued...

Oooohh... Isn't that intriguing?! It all wraps up in 4 more pages of ooey gooey story goodnessss. A few twists here, a couple turns there, and an ending that will leave you dangling in a cavern of cognitive dissonance-- for you will feel both fully satisfied, yet still wanting so much more. 

Buy a copy now!

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