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The Frisco Yeti's Strain Scorebook Is Now On Sale!

Whether I'm lurking in the woods behind a nunnery or spit-roasting a stray cat on Ocean Beach, people keep asking me the same question: "What is the Frisco Yeti?" 

Well, I'm glad you asked. 

The Yeti is your little green guide to getting high.

The world is changing. The singular dream of stoners for generations is coming true across the country. And soon, the green wave will come to our shores: marijuana will become fully legal for recreational use in San Francisco, California. 

The once secretive world of marijuana sales, cultivation, and appreciation is finally seeing the light of day, open for any to come explore. It's treasures are bountiful-- peace, joy, equanimity, healing, euphoria-- but the industry is as complex and nuanced as the plant itself. 

Fortunately, you've got a pocket sized shaman to unlock the mystery and majesty of marijuana: The Frisco Yeti!

It's like a bougie little wine guide, but for weed!

I love marijuana, and I think you should too. That's why I've devised the Strain Scorecard. It will guide you to generate a fairly precise numerical score (out of 100) that reflects your subjective experience of each and any strain! That's going to help you figure out which strains you like and which ones to skip next time next time you're picking up a bag.

copyright bo mcgee 2017.

It's a hardmedia mindfulness app...

It prompts you to purposefully engage your senses; to reflect on how you feel in your mind and your body; and how the experiences which you are observing are interconnected. By taking guided notes on the process which capture a variety of desirable and undesirable variables, we can increase our likelihood to consistently achieve our most desired results from the use of cannabis. Is that getting wordy? Sometimes I ramble when I'm high. Particularly when I smoke African sativas, and I just got my hands on a killer batch of Red Congo. Have you seen that Vice News episode about the Congo? Crazy. Anyways...

Here's how it works:

The Frisco Yeti's Official Cannabis Strain Scorecard is going to help you to figure out all your favorite strains (and which strains will punch your ticket to ride the nightmare) in 6 easy steps, GUARANTEED!

(Don't worry, all of this is on the first page of the minicomic so you don't need to remember it all now.)

  1. Go out and get yourself a nice big bag of ganja. 
  2. Fill in/circle the relevant info at the top of the page. Your budtender/dealer should be able to answer most of these questions.
  3. Write down the date, how you're smoking (joint, pipe, bong, etc), and what you're doing (wake & bake, watching movies, menacing hikers, etc). in the horizontal row for "Sesh 1".
  4. As you dig into your weed, circle whatever feels right in the word cloud. 
  5. Score your weed from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) in the following categories:
    • Smell. Get a nice deep whiff and look for familiar notes. Do you like it?
    • Hit. How would you describe the immediate sensation associated with ingesting?
    • Mental high. Do you enjoy the effect of this strain on your thoughts?
    • Body high. Do you enjoy the effect of this strain on your physical body?
    • Finish. How do you feel an hour or so after smoking?
  6. Repeat the process 3 more times. Then, total your final scores from all 4 sessions to get your #YetiScore and share it with @TheFriscoYeti and our community of stoners and weirdos on Twitter!

And it's all wrapped up in a Tijuana Bible!

The Yet is jam packed with weird little comics and stoner shit. Each copy of The Frisco Yeti's Official Cannabis Strain Scorebook includes 7, double-page-spread scorecards; The Rec, our most up-to-date recommendations for what and where to smoke in SF; and the #YetiMap, with all the stuff you won't find on Google. Plus, each issue has 1 of 4 illustrated variant back covers, with a lot more to come.

Our hand-made, DIY sex appeal is the vision of Illustrator-In-Chief Bo McGee, who has been active as an illustrator and stoner in San Francisco for more than 10 years. The Frisco Yeti is proud to extend the long-lasting bond between comics and weed that grew up in the counter culture and includes legendary figures like R. Crumb, Heavy Metal, and MAD Magazine. 

In summation:

The Yeti has got everything you need to know to get stoned like a pro in the City, it fits in your back pocket, and it costs less than a cup of coffee. It's available now in the CTOB store, so what are you waiting for?


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