Bo McGee Art

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I like to make art that is brutally honest and grotesquely intimate

Alan Ginsberg said “The poet always stands naked before the world.”

I like to make art that is brutally honest and grotesquely intimate.

I want for my art to disrupt the viewer by tickling them in sensitive places.

You can only find those perfect emotional notes by looking inside yourself for the universal specific. It’s an idea or a feeling that is uniquely your own, but expressed in such a way that an infinite amount of viewers could feel like it is uniquely theirs too. You’ve got to be willing to get really personal and really honest to find it.

Since the start of 2020, I've completed 2 series of works on canvas: Tossik Maxalinity and Mlopony Mony. I describe this arc of my artistic work as “an exploration of the embedded lessons in masculinity learned from the cultural totems of my boyhood”. Real heady stuff.

I also made a limited web-series called Art Haus Happy Haur, featuring Jeni Laboy and Mike Strand– 2 of my favorite collaborators. That's going to keep growing and developing in 2022 as a platform to talk in depth about my art and discuss the larger world of the arts.

Lately I’ve been working on a follow up series of multimedia canvas pieces which I call The Fnncherlude, in which I use physical techniques and an aesthetic derived from Tossik Maxalinity and Mlopony Mony to work out my thoughts on the “street artist” Fnnch and the larger conversation which he has provoked.

There’s this one piece— I call it The Abomination. It might be the greatest and most horrible thing I’ve ever done. It’s all about sex and anger and sorrow and the layers of artificial reality that we live in. A lot of people are going to hate it though. Which is totally fine, I understand. It’s a lot to take in. A very aggressive tickle in some extremely sensitive places. If you’re not at least a little disturbed by it, you’re honestly probably kind of fucked up.

I’ve got brand new video content ready to push every Monday for the next 6 weeks.

As a subscriber you’ll see it first on Monday mornings, then it will trickle out across my blog and social media throughout the week.

In the queue for the next 6 weeks of content, premiering exclusively in this newsletter:

  • Shitting My Pants & The Death of My Father; a 4 part conversation with Mike Strand that gets pretty, pretttttty raw. Each episode runs about 20 minutes.

  • 2 installments of Art Haus Happy Haur with Jeni, in which we go deep on the Ricky Rat vs Fnnch feud, pro wrestling, flag burning, and all sorts of crazy shit. Worth noting, we both smoked some hash and I was on a small dose of mushrooms while filming this one. We also each had a few drinks, so needless to say it gets prettttttty loose. But the whole video came out great and Doggtown Dro is right, it should have gotten way more views.

  • High res photos of recently completed works that haven’t been/won’t be seen anywhere else– covering the full range of Tossik Maxalinity, Mlopony Mony, and The Fnncherlude including the first ever reveal of The Abomination.

  • An update on The Stoner Saga, parts 1-3. It’s going to print as an omnibus in Q1, and it will be on sale here first.

PLUS I've got a solo gallery show coming up. It will be my first real solo show and I’m planning to debut more new works for it. News will break on that via this newsletter and followers will get the first invite to the opening reception.

I hope you love it. It's ok if you don't. It's ok if you hate it, in fact. Some folks will for sure. But I hope that you love it.

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