Flex pop + Masculine Sadness
Me and Jeni linked up for a drink and to talk about my new gallery series, Mlopony Mony. We talked about some of the big names in Pop Art right now and where I think the movement is going next.
I’m calling this Art Haus Happy Haur. I think it’s a pretty clever name. The plan is to try to get on the horn with Jeni and some other friends on a semi regular basis to talk about art— my art, their art, and the art world. And maybe we’ll have a few drinks, smoke a bit of weed, get a little loose and talk some shit.
Then I take the footage and I keep cooking it down into smaller, more condensed morsels of content and serve it up piping hot via YouTube and Instagram over the course of a week or two.
Sign up below for updates on Art Haus Happy Haur and check out a few of the videos I’ve put together from our first conversation.